Friday, November 18, 2011

hopeful..... I crushed up the appetite stimulator pill and coaxed Skootch into eating 4 or 5 licks - he gasped and drooled and almost yakked, but didn't. Then he was all lovey-dovey. And LO, ran to his food dish (which he never does) and gulped down the teaspoonful that was in there. He wanted more - I gave him the tiniest bit (Dr. Jeff said not to give him too much at one time). When I didn't give him any more, he ran to Lucy's dish and ate HER leftovers. An hour late I gave him another 1/2 teaspoon and he gulped that down. He also started mouse patrol and detected rodent visitor dropping in our kitchen trash. I have NEVER seen Skootch so enthusiastic about food!  I can't believe that pill worked so fast (about 20 minutes). I hope tomorrow he continues to eat. 
Cautiously optimistic......... paws crossed. :)


  1. I hope things continue to get better,thanks for posting the updates,its a relief to hear he ate.

  2. That is good news! Keep it up Skootch :)

  3. Slootch! Yous rocks! Yous eats so yous gets better. We is rooing for yous!
    Nellie & Kozmo
    PS Still Purraying

  4. I've just been catching up - glad to hear that things are looking up for Skootch. I know how worrying it can be as recently Mr Darcy wasn't himself and we had to take him to the vets. We had to give him dry white meat for a few days to settle his stomach, but then when we tried to wean him back onto his normal food he kept being sick. It took a bit of patience but once he got his appetite back there was no stopping him! I hope it's the same for Skootch x

  5. That sounds quite promising! Go, Skootch, go! We will keep on purring and praying.

  6. Poor Skootch. I'm glad that the pill is working. And you are feeling good enough to swipe from your sister's plate. Sending get well wishes and purrs to you.
