Friday, February 7, 2014

Poor Skootch. I've noticed his bad breath for a while. It's WAY worse than regular stinky cat breath. He had one tooth removed a couple of years ago. I took him to the vet a few weeks ago, and he definitely has tooth problems - we won't know how extensive until he's under anesthesia. And speaking of that, we had blood work done, plus an ultrasound (he has a heart murmur), to make sure he could tolerate anesthesia. THEN we had to wait for a couple of weeks, waiting for a surgery slot to open up. I am feeling anxious - he is 16 - plus he's having trouble chewing. I wish we could have had this done sooner. I feel guilty because I had to delay dealing with this on account of my rush job. He may lose teeth.


  1. Yikes! Purrs and hugs from all of us. That is scary at any age.

  2. We sure wish Skootch the very best. Any kind of medical/dental stuff is worrisome. The lady had a cat named Elvis who had chronic, on-going dental problems (because of being FIV positive). If they can pull a few bad teeth, then I'm sure Skootch will be fine (and feel really good, too!).

    Thank you for visiting my blog and wishing me well.

  3. Poor baby! That can be scary for anyone...we sure wish you well...and Skootch will feel much better!
    Miss Kitty Ino & Izzy

    Please come follow us too at: Thanks much...

  4. Oh poor Skootch!! I have had a problem with Stomatitis and the vet did something by freezing my mouth and getting the lesions removed. It actually worked quite well and I have not had any teeth removed yet!. I hope Skootch will be ok. Sending healing purrs! xox

  5. Poor Skootch, We'll keep him in our prayers. It is very scary with his age and the heart murmur.
    Sima needs to have a tooth come out too, but so far I haven't taken the risk... with her kidney failure and all. You be strong Skootchie!!!!

  6. Better to have the teeth removed than risk infection that can spread rapidly through the bloodstream. Hope Skootch manages surgery well and is soon doing better. We will keep him in our purrs, prayers and thoughts. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  7. We just took our two nine-year-olds in for dental cleanings and a full blood panel. Luckily, they are all good, but we have to be much more diligent with the brushing. Here's hoping Skootch will have better news than you think. Cute cartoon too.

  8. We'll be thinking of you, Skootch. Dental work is obnoxious but I bet you'll feel better once it's done!

  9. is it wrong that this is most likely my favorite sketch that you have done

    1. Thanks, Connie. I think adding the little kitties at the bottom made it.

  10. and do not feel bad about 'waiting'.. cats hide things so very well,

  11. Poor guy having to go the dentist. We will purr that everything turns out well for you buddy. Mom says to give yourself a little break Mom and sends a hug.

  12. Oh! Wes is sending Scootch lots of purrayers! Mes is as old as him and mes KNOWS how scary it can bes!

  13. Oh we're so sorry Scootch is having such problems with his teeth. That's just no fun at all. We hope everything goes ok for him. We'll keep him in our prayers.

    Your illustration, we just have to tell you....OMC!!! It's WONDERFUL!!!

  14. Poor Skootch! Purrs and headbutts from us and hugs from our human.

  15. we are hoping that all will be ok, sending purrs and prayers for Scootch xoxo

  16. Oh, I can so feel for you. I just went through something similar. Wishing you all the best...

  17. Oh no! Poor Skootch. We're purring and praying that everything goes well.
