Saturday, January 11, 2014

the cats

Against my better judgement, I have inserted a second page with photos of the cats. My camera skills are not great, but a number of people have expressed curiosity about the kittehs. So here they are - click on the link at the top right of this page. I may take it down, because I wanted this to be strictly an illustrated blog.


  1. It is lovely to see the cats. It's good also to see how well you draw them :)

  2. Thank you!!! I'm not terribly visual so a photo helps my imagination. You crew is lovely.

  3. Aww!!! It was very nice to see them up close and personal :)

  4. I love the illistrations! But seeing the kitties "in the fur" really shows that the illistrations are spot on!

  5. Thanks for letting us visit the stars of the blog.
    Not to gush, but you are one of those rare artists who can draw cats believably.
    Keep 'em coming!

  6. Okay, I can't seem to find the photos...someone direct me to them please... thanks

    1. Oh never mind...I figured it out! D'OH! Love your wonderful cats, Ann, and really enjoy your posts.

  7. Oooh, off to go see the kitties "in the fur" now! :)

  8. Those photos are actually pretty good - can see how plush Louie must be.

    For those reading this, check out my cat blog archives for some informative posts and archived stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.
    Debby in Arizona

  9. They are adorable! And black! Black is good. House Panthers are the best kitties of all. And I'm completely unbiased on this topic. Ahem.

  10. YAY! so what if you aren't very good as a photographer.. (which is very subjective anyway)
