Thursday, June 7, 2012


  1. Did you get to eat the DQ's portion, then? That would stop the skinnies and he'd be sorry, too!

    (We hope this doesn't mean you're sick, Lucifee.)

  2. What's wrong Skootch? Did they check your thyroid levels? Sima was getting all skinny, and it was because she has hyperthyroidism. It's a big word, but taking some daily pills fixes it :)

  3. Hope your vet found out the reasons for you getting underweight.

  4. It never is easy when someone has to put a beloved furry pet down, no matter how many times you have done it. I was sorry to hear your friends cat Skye had to be put down also. I wanted to thank you very much for your purrs and prayers for the psssing of Casper. Thank you again.

    Sure hope your O.K. After your visit to the vet.

  5. it's such a challenge! too heavy... too skinny... so hard to please those vets! hiding seems like a good choice to me!

  6. Dear Skootch, I hope you start eating more. I know you like your fluff.

    Sending love to your Mom. How is he doing? He's been through a lot. Poor guy.

  7. there seems never to be a right weight... take care, dear. Lovely post. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  8. Skootch, we understand ... the vet is skerry!

    Lucifee ... are you okay? Why did you get so skinny?
