Thursday, January 19, 2012


  1. Makes sense to me that you switch plates! You're cats! tee-hee! (wonder how this would work at a fancy restaurant?)

    Re the laxative medication: is Skootch taking tablets or capsules? Have you ever tried the Greenies pill pockets? Or is the medication a powder? Don't know if the pill pockets would work then. Blah, medicine!

  2. You wouldn't be a cat if you were not perverse!

  3. Laxative is in liquid form, squirted on his food (which is why he doesn't like his food). He won't let us squirt it into his mouth, so this is what we do. If he gets hungry enough (and Lucy doesn't eat it first), he'll eventually eat it. On the other hand, Lucy is getting laxative she doesn't need.......... uh oh! Here come the poops!

  4. Hmmm. What if you try it in a bit of baby food? My personal favorite is ham, but I like the chicken, too.

    I can't blame Scootch for not liking it squirted into his mouth. Any time one us of has had to have liquid meds, we twist and turn at high speed--and if we're lucky, manage to get anything aimed at us all over the place! (My mom especially appreciates us doing that with that pink bubblegummy swill. Last time she was cleaning that off stuff for eons!)

  5. when my Cody was having "poop" problems I was told to give him a teaspoon of PURE PUMPKIN for one or two WORKED! That is a natural laxative! Have you tried that?

  6. You go get which ever one is tastier. Let Lucy have the poopy food. It might even help her with her challenging figure :)

  7. Hi, nice to meet you. We jumped ofur from Lee County Clowder's blog. We're very sorry to hear bout your, er, um, problem of being "backed up". These things happen sumtimes. Hope you are feelin much better now. Stop by and see us sumtime. Purrs fur now, bye!

  8. I've had some success stirring liquid meds and hairball goop into wet food. Cats are such a fun challenge, so much more so than dogs, that's why I love them!

  9. The joy of giving us medicine! Me will never ever let the squirty thing in my mouth and if it is in my food, me will never ever eat. Mommy feels your pain, but she did comme up with a solution, tuna. She mixes it in with a little tuna (just a little) then adds the medicine and then water. Yes, it is a runny mess, but me LOVES tuna!

  10. Oops, we missed your comment earlier. Thank you for visiting us. We are following you now.
    Our human smears tuna-flavoured Laxatone on our lips and we'd go crazy licking, licking, licking...

  11. Oh dear... I hope Lucy hasn't discovered the 'effects' of the special food!!

  12. Sammy and Moosey do this, too! That's why we feed them in different rooms. :)

  13. Ha..Ha..Ha.. I guess your mommy just have to switch the place of the bowls : )

  14. Too bad the vets can't come up with meds that taste like cat food. What's with that, anyway. Deb=^..^=x4

  15. MOL!!! Thizz izz such a cool blog! We are soooo following! Purrrs Lars and Odin
